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Ultrasound is a simple scan that uses sound waves to create a picture of your internal structures.

If you’re pregnant, a limited ultrasound can reveal the critical information about your pregnancy you need to know to stay safe.

What Can Ultrasound Reveal About My Pregnancy?

While a pregnancy test is the first step to confirming your pregnancy, an ultrasound is the second step in establishing the viability of your pregnancy. Viability refers to whether your pregnancy has a detectable heartbeat or whether you’ve had a miscarriage. This step is important since roughly 26% of pregnancies end in miscarriage.

Ultrasound can also reveal the age of your pregnancy, which can determine your pregnancy options. For example, medical abortion is only FDA-approved if your pregnancy is 10 weeks or less gestation. 

Finally, an ultrasound can show the location of your pregnancy, which is vital for ruling out an ectopic pregnancy—this is when a pregnancy grows outside your uterus and requires emergency medical treatment.

What to Expect During an Ultrasound Appointment

During a limited ultrasound appointment at Friends For Life Pregnancy Center, the sonographer (person performing the ultrasound) will make sure you are comfortable. They will apply a gel to the skin on your abdomen. The gel helps prevent air pockets, which can block the sound waves that create the images. This safe, water-based gel is easy to remove after the ultrasound.

The sonographer presses a small, hand-held device (called a transducer) to your abdomen to capture images of your uterus and pregnancy. You will be able to see your pregnancy on the ultrasound screen.

Sometimes, if the pregnancy is very early, ultrasounds are done transvaginally to ensure a clear picture and accurate information is collected. In this case, the transducer will be gently inserted into your vagina.

How Much Does an Ultrasound Cost?

At Friends For Life Pregnancy Center, every ultrasound is offered for free because we believe that finances should never be a barrier to receiving the essential care and services you need to stay healthy.

Contact us today to schedule your free ultrasound appointment. You’re not alone in this. We’re here for you.

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